"Our Furry, Feathered, Scaly Friends Never Leave Us" is a heartwarming tale that encourages children to cherish the memories of their furry, feathered, scaly animal companions...celebrating the joy they bring into our lives and the enduring bond that lives on in our hearts forever! This story serves as a reminder that even in the face of loss, the love we share with our pets remains forever etched in our memories.
This story is based on a true experience of the author and her feline best friend "Simon". This story is for people of all ages to help heal from the loss of an animal companion. It can be very difficult talking about loss of any kind to a child and it is difficult talking about loss of any kind as an adult. May this journey between Philsha and Simon be a gentle reminder that our loved ones never leave us... they will guide us for the rest of our days until we are reunited!
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